Free Pack Walks
No purchase or RSVP required. Our Pack Walks are free for everyone! We’ll see you there!
Upcoming Walks
We meet in the grass in front of Nate’s Point Dog Park, southeast of the Balboa Drive and El Prado intersection. There’s usually plenty of parking on Balboa Drive and letting your dog run in the dog park is a great way to prime them for walking calmly with friends!
This 1+ mile walk doubles back, so if at any time you feel you or your dog need a break, you can stop and meet us on our way back. We also stop at Bea Evenson Fountain for a water break and photos.
For those of you with reactive dogs, you know how hard it can be to find a stranger (or even a friend!) who is willing to participate in a situation when your dog is acting up. Practice under trainer supervision with people who won’t cross the street when they see you coming. Enjoy beautiful Balboa Park and have a nice time with your dog!
Frequently Asked Questions
No, everyone is welcome! The purpose of this walk is to give people a chance to work their dogs on walking on-leash nicely in busy places while enjoying the scenery and bonding with their dogs.
If you are at all unsure if it’s safe for others to be around your dog on leash, definitely call or text the trainer at 858-245-9580 first for a free consultation. But if you know your dog is all bark and no bite, throwing them into a situation like this is one of the best things you can do! Get here early, let them run at the dog park, and then pop them right in the middle of dozens of other dogs. Most dogs will be so surprised by this development that they follow the other dogs’ leads and just walk. And don’t worry, the first few minutes are usually a bit barky for a lot of dogs! By the end everyone is walking together quietly.
Again, if you are at all unsure if it will be safe, talk to us first!
It depends (often on the weather), but there’s usually at least 10 dogs and sometimes as many as 40! Don’t let that make you not come, though. Walking in a pack with a lot of dogs is a great way to get your dog accustomed to busy environments.
It’s recommended that puppies be at least 12 weeks old and have all 3 boosters of parvo/distemper (the third of which are typically given at 12 weeks). But it’s a public space and up to your discretion when to join.
We have had many very shy dogs bloom and gain enormous confidence from our pack walks! Sometimes immersion is the key to breaking a dog out of their confining comfort zones. Still, we want to make sure we expose our shy or anxious dogs to new things in a kind and productive way. Don’t hesitate to call or text the trainer at 858-245-9580 to tell him a bit about your dog and get his opinion.
The walk is pleasant, but it can be a long walk for elderly dogs or people with physical limitations, especially during the hot season. Fortunately, Balboa Park is a stunning place with lots of places to stop and rest. Our route doubles back, so you can stop for a break at any time and catch the group on the way back.
Yes! There are no sections that do not have a ramp.